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Information Paradise or whorehouse

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Age: 43
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Joined: Oct 25, 2006

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Location: Riyadh

Post subject: Paradise or whorehouse Reply with quote  

In the other forum a kafir has been playing around with the Quran as usual a chamcha (follower) of Ali Sinai, copy pastes all stuff from Faith freedom. The muslims in the forum are being nice and making there real good efforts to make him understand. But my question why the heck should muslims be so apologetic.

So he passed this comment in the forum

Is it not true that acc Islam paradise is a celestial whorehouse?

Now please find my reply below and I go bro AB style again.

By chance if it is will you do anything to change it. Yes i claim it is a whorehouse now what will you do about that. Let me know, i swear you come out with loads of problems please provide solutions to it.

For heavens sake dont start your shitty crap by commenting dont believe in God (as I come from the clear thinking believing in God is a personal issue) try to be more practical and logical, rather than dementing other faiths, from what I have seen from your earliers post you dont seem be an atheist but a practicing hindu under the veil of an atheist as I have seen loads of my own friends wearing this same viel of atheism but rather its there own folly.

I wanna know if its a whorehouse and if we have to believe in it will you do something about it, I just have one comment to you bro if your married can you go change the belief of your own wife by passing such whimsical, illogical comments, wherein you have your chamchas praising you and guess what these chamchas around are praising you not because they are all atheists or follow any single ideology but praise you, because their modus operandi is to insult islam.

I wonder how many people demean Islam inclusive of that guy Ali Sinai who is caught red handed on many accounts, living in his own barbie world with some fallacious esoteric group of illogical goons and also has all the time in the world to write his own questions and answers, ask that liar does he remember anything after lying as he contradicts his own statements, none of his illogical goons find that out and I wonder how they claim to be a HERO.

I say yes Islam has all the things marrying 4 women, taking jizya from non muslims, some verses in the quran which people link it to extremism but does that mean if i dont marry 4 women and dont take jizya will that decrease in submitting my will to God, answer a BIG NO.

After this you come out with any whimsical/illogical comments i have just one comment below your quote

Post Posted:
Thu 17 Apr, 2008 7:48 am
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Age: 59
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Post subject: Re: Paradise or whorehouse Reply with quote  

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
In the other forum a kafir has been playing around with the Quran as usual a chamcha (follower) of Ali Sinai, copy pastes all stuff from Faith freedom. The muslims in the forum are being nice and making there real good efforts to make him understand. But my question why the heck should muslims be so apologetic.

Exactly mate, why the hell we have to be nice with the perpetrators who started attacking us?

I guess those Muslims are following the used by date and expired attitude of charm to claim more followers, this is the attitude of a cult btw, I just translated 9:61-80 and in there the prophtet was ordered by Allah to be HARSH with such freaks enemy of us and certainly enemy of Allah

SlaveofAllaah wrote:

So he passed this comment in the forum

I guess it will be the typical crap by the manipulated manipulators

Is it not true that acc Islam paradise is a celestial whorehouse?

Indeed it is

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Now please find my reply below and I go bro AB style again.

LOL mate, that is the way to treat such enemy as far as I'm concerned

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
By chance if it is will you do anything to change it. Yes i claim it is a whorehouse now what will you do about that. Let me know, i swear you come out with loads of problems please provide solutions to it.

Good start man

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
For heavens sake dont start your shitty crap by commenting dont believe in God (as I come from the clear thinking believing in God is a personal issue) try to be more practical and logical, rather than dementing other faiths, from what I have seen from your earliers post you dont seem be an atheist but a practicing hindu under the veil of an atheist as I have seen loads of my own friends wearing this same viel of atheism but rather its there own folly.

They are typical cowards mate, hiding their own religion, I meet many of those on the net every day

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
I wanna know if its a whorehouse and if we have to believe in it will you do something about it,

He can't so shit about it other than biitching and ranting like whores

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
I just have one comment to you bro if your married can you go change the belief of your own wife by passing such whimsical, illogical comments, wherein you have your chamchas praising you and guess what these chamchas around are praising you not because they are all atheists or follow any single ideology but praise you, because their modus operandi is to insult islam.

I wonder what they think they may achieve while Islam is spreading in their backyards, hahahahaha

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
I wonder how many people demean Islam inclusive of that guy Ali Sinai who is caught red handed on many accounts, living in his own barbie world with some fallacious esoteric group of illogical goons and also has all the time in the world to write his own questions and answers, ask that liar does he remember anything after lying as he contradicts his own statements, none of his illogical goons find that out and I wonder how they claim to be a HERO.

Laughing Laughing

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
I say yes Islam has all the things marrying 4 women, taking jizya from non muslims, some verses in the quran which people link it to extremism but does that mean if i dont marry 4 women and dont take jizya will that decrease in submitting my will to God, answer a BIG NO.

After this you come out with any whimsical/illogical comments i have just one comment below your quote


Indeed man, the goons must be dismissed, they may keep it itchy though, Smile

Take care
Post Posted:
Thu 17 Apr, 2008 12:34 pm
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Age: 43
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Location: Riyadh

Post subject: Re: Paradise or whorehouse Reply with quote  

Indeed they make life tougher for themselves and we just enjoy it, coz the truth is only one.

After this post of mine, the other kafirs as usual ask me does Islam say the non-believers will go to hell (damn for 1400 years we have been telling you people this and you act so innocently)

I answered yes non-believeers will go to hell and even the muslims who believe in Islam but who dont follow the right path also dont get a free ticket.

Then he commented islam is intolerant and i wanna condemn it.

So i told him if a female is getting raped and if she is tolerant would you respect her, i swear loads of bullshit again, with loads of problem no solutions till date.

Other guy on the context just because non-believers will burn in hell he says Islam is not a religion of peace.

I told this chap, Islam might be the worst religion on the face of earth for you but for me its the best religion, so in the same breadth if Islam is not a peaceful religion for you, but it is for me.
But i dont understand why do they wanna condemn something in which they dont believe in. Similary for me if christian says i will burn in hell i just tell the christian i dont damn care, because i dont believe in what you say Wink.

But these fools fail to understand we are tolerant towards these people if they are good us, without coming up with such illogical comments but i dont know really what they wanna prove. But i m enjoying it Laughing
Post Posted:
Thu 17 Apr, 2008 7:31 pm
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Age: 59
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Post subject: Re: Paradise or whorehouse Reply with quote  

SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Indeed they make life tougher for themselves and we just enjoy it, coz the truth is only one.

After this post of mine, the other kafirs as usual ask me does Islam say the non-believers will go to hell (damn for 1400 years we have been telling you people this and you act so innocently)

I answered yes non-believeers will go to hell and even the muslims who believe in Islam but who dont follow the right path also dont get a free ticket.

Then he commented islam is intolerant and i wanna condemn it.

So i told him if a female is getting raped and if she is tolerant would you respect her, i swear loads of bullshit again, with loads of problem no solutions till date.

Other guy on the context just because non-believers will burn in hell he says Islam is not a religion of peace.

I told this chap, Islam might be the worst religion on the face of earth for you but for me its the best religion, so in the same breadth if Islam is not a peaceful religion for you, but it is for me.
But i dont understand why do they wanna condemn something in which they dont believe in. Similary for me if christian says i will burn in hell i just tell the christian i dont damn care, because i dont believe in what you say Wink.

But these fools fail to understand we are tolerant towards these people if they are good us, without coming up with such illogical comments but i dont know really what they wanna prove. But i m enjoying it Laughing

To be honest man, I believe the Muslims are just wasting their time with such freaks who are on the offence, we will never be able to make them believe nor we can even make the one we love believe, all those people reverting to Islam were noot enemies, they were peaceful kafirs who sincerely wanted to believe after looking thoroughly for the truth and cosequently Allah guided them to His path, the Muslims have absoutely nothing to do with those coming into Islam, therefore I will never use such charming attitude with those who are on the offence and only attack, mock, ridicule, defame, trick and insult, those are our OBVIOUS enemy and we need to fight them really hard (we have no other enemy but them btw)

Take care
Post Posted:
Thu 17 Apr, 2008 8:26 pm
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Age: 43
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Location: Riyadh

Post subject: Re: Paradise or whorehouse Reply with quote  

I second that brother, i also believe in the same.
If someone has to be a Muslim its a natural process. I also believe in the same you mock at us and we mock back at you.
You are damn good to us, we are really good to you. But hopefull the kafirs understand.
I will update you further but as of now i am having somce fun now. Laughing Laughing
Post Posted:
Thu 17 Apr, 2008 11:42 pm
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Age: 35
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Posts: 68


Post subject: Re: Paradise or whorehouse Reply with quote  

AhmedBahgat wrote:
SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Indeed they make life tougher for themselves and we just enjoy it, coz the truth is only one.

After this post of mine, the other kafirs as usual ask me does Islam say the non-believers will go to hell (damn for 1400 years we have been telling you people this and you act so innocently)

I answered yes non-believeers will go to hell and even the muslims who believe in Islam but who dont follow the right path also dont get a free ticket.

Then he commented islam is intolerant and i wanna condemn it.

So i told him if a female is getting raped and if she is tolerant would you respect her, i swear loads of bullshit again, with loads of problem no solutions till date.

Other guy on the context just because non-believers will burn in hell he says Islam is not a religion of peace.

I told this chap, Islam might be the worst religion on the face of earth for you but for me its the best religion, so in the same breadth if Islam is not a peaceful religion for you, but it is for me.
But i dont understand why do they wanna condemn something in which they dont believe in. Similary for me if christian says i will burn in hell i just tell the christian i dont damn care, because i dont believe in what you say Wink.

But these fools fail to understand we are tolerant towards these people if they are good us, without coming up with such illogical comments but i dont know really what they wanna prove. But i m enjoying it Laughing

To be honest man, I believe the Muslims are just wasting their time with such freaks who are on the offence, we will never be able to make them believe nor we can even make the one we love believe, all those people reverting to Islam were noot enemies, they were peaceful kafirs who sincerely wanted to believe after looking thoroughly for the truth and cosequently Allah guided them to His path, the Muslims have absoutely nothing to do with those coming into Islam, therefore I will never use such charming attitude with those who are on the offence and only attack, mock, ridicule, defame, trick and insult, those are our OBVIOUS enemy and we need to fight them really hard (we have no other enemy but them btw)

Take care

Bro, I believe that it is a waste of time trying to even SPEAK to these enemies of Allah. We do this not to convince them, but we do this so we can show the Muslims who ARE on the forum that we can still whoop their arse in a debate and we show our fellow Muslims how weak the Kuffar are. Believe me, a LOT of Muslims would have left Islam if it weren't for the work of the Muslim debators on forums all over the internet

Take care

Islam will overcome
Post Posted:
Tue 06 May, 2008 9:29 am
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Joined: Apr 18, 2008

Posts: 33

Post subject: Re: Paradise or whorehouse Reply with quote  

IntellectualWarfare1 wrote:
AhmedBahgat wrote:
SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Indeed they make life tougher for themselves and we just enjoy it, coz the truth is only one.

After this post of mine, the other kafirs as usual ask me does Islam say the non-believers will go to hell (damn for 1400 years we have been telling you people this and you act so innocently)

I answered yes non-believeers will go to hell and even the muslims who believe in Islam but who dont follow the right path also dont get a free ticket.

Then he commented islam is intolerant and i wanna condemn it.

So i told him if a female is getting raped and if she is tolerant would you respect her, i swear loads of bullshit again, with loads of problem no solutions till date.

Other guy on the context just because non-believers will burn in hell he says Islam is not a religion of peace.

I told this chap, Islam might be the worst religion on the face of earth for you but for me its the best religion, so in the same breadth if Islam is not a peaceful religion for you, but it is for me.
But i dont understand why do they wanna condemn something in which they dont believe in. Similary for me if christian says i will burn in hell i just tell the christian i dont damn care, because i dont believe in what you say Wink.

But these fools fail to understand we are tolerant towards these people if they are good us, without coming up with such illogical comments but i dont know really what they wanna prove. But i m enjoying it Laughing

To be honest man, I believe the Muslims are just wasting their time with such freaks who are on the offence, we will never be able to make them believe nor we can even make the one we love believe, all those people reverting to Islam were noot enemies, they were peaceful kafirs who sincerely wanted to believe after looking thoroughly for the truth and cosequently Allah guided them to His path, the Muslims have absoutely nothing to do with those coming into Islam, therefore I will never use such charming attitude with those who are on the offence and only attack, mock, ridicule, defame, trick and insult, those are our OBVIOUS enemy and we need to fight them really hard (we have no other enemy but them btw)

Take care

Bro, I believe that it is a waste of time trying to even SPEAK to these enemies of Allah. We do this not to convince them, but we do this so we can show the Muslims who ARE on the forum that we can still whoop their arse in a debate and we show our fellow Muslims how weak the Kuffar are. Believe me, a LOT of Muslims would have left Islam if it weren't for the work of the Muslim debators on forums all over the internet

Take care

Hello IW1,

Is that right ? ....... anyways can you please tell me how much is 66 times 10 again ? Laughing
Post Posted:
Wed 07 May, 2008 2:07 pm
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